Pennsylvania Forestry Association: Summer Musings, Upcoming PFA Activities

October 8, 2020

August has been hot and dry. The last few days of the month brought some relief after eight weeks of zero rain. We recorded 1.8 inches of nice gentle rain over the past few days, allowing it to soak in rather than run off. Each spring, we pull 600 gallons of water from the stream and store it in totes on the hill above our house for emergencies such as this. We are using those to keep this spring’s tree plantings alive. So far, only two of 40 have died. One of those had been ripped out by a bear and was too far gone when we discovered the damage; the other never took off.

Millennials Are Poised to Make Long-Lasting Changes to Sustainable Packaging

October 8, 2020

Sustainable Forestry Initiative Label Identifies Sustainable Packaging Millennials are changing the way we look at the world in many ways—including how we package the food and beverages we eat and drink every day. The EcoFocus Worldwide 2019 US Trends Survey shows millennials place a much higher value on sustainability than previous generations, and packaging is no exception.

New Paper Details the Opportunities and Challenges for Empowering Family Forest Owners to Address Climate Change

October 8, 2020

Programs that pay small acreage forest landowners for carbon sequestration are coming down the pike. The state of Maine is developing a program to pay forestland owners for managing their forests to increase carbon sequestration. In the US Congress, many bipartisan bills have been introduced to address carbon sequestration.

News from Penn State Extension

October 8, 2020

Penn State Extension’s team of Forestry and Wildlife experts has launched a new e-newsletter, Woods and Wildlife News and Notes, a curated list of the most recent information, events, demonstrations, partnerships, and activities coming from the team. Forest Leaves will share the title and a thumbnail of these articles with you each quarter.

Take a Walk in Penn’s Woods this October!

September 30, 2020

This year, the entire month of October is to celebrate Walk in Penn's Woods. Wear your blaze orange and get outside to experience all the the woods has to offer you.

Acorns: A Fickle Crop?

August 27, 2020

Much research has sought to predict masting years when big acorn crops occur and shed light on what leads to poor years or early acorn abortion (or abscission) like you may have seen this season.

Announcing New Invasive Plant Fact Sheets Series

August 18, 2020

With recent efforts to combat the threat of invasive plants in woodlands, Penn State Extension has released new resources to help with identification and control. A total of 14 invasive plant fact sheets are now up on the Penn State Extension web site. Art Gover, Penn State Wildland Weed Management Specialist, David Jackson, and Sarah Wurzbacher both Penn State Forest Resources Educators, and Sky Templeton, graduate of the Penn State Forest Biology program prepared the fact sheet.

The Bureau of Forestry Celebrates 125 Years of Conserving Penn’s Woods!

August 18, 2020

This summer the bureau celebrates a true milestone, our 125-year anniversary! Known as a ‘’quasquicentennial”, 125 years is a long existence for any organization.

Woods in Your Backyard Online Course Fall 2020

August 17, 2020

Registration is now open for the Fall session of "The Woods in Your Backyard" online course. Our self-paced, non-credit course runs 10 weeks from August 31st to November 9th, 2020. The course will help landowners convert lawn to natural areas and enhance stewardship of existing natural areas.

Trees and Dry Conditions

July 31, 2020

Many areas across the northeastern US are experiencing dry and drought conditions, Pennsylvania included. The soil is dry, and plants (and trees) are starting to suffer.

Spotted Lanternfly Quarantine Expanded in PA

July 13, 2020

The Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture (PDA) expanded the Spotted Lanternfly (SLF) quarantine from 14 to 26 counties in March 2020. The 12 new counties are not completely infested, but rather have a few municipalities with a known infestation which led to a quarantine being placed on the entire county. Current quarantined counties are: Allegheny, Beaver, Berks, Blair, Bucks, Carbon, Chester, Columbia, Cumberland, Dauphin, Delaware, Huntingdon, Juniata, Lancaster, Lebanon, Lehigh, Luzerne, Mifflin, Monroe, Montgomery, Northampton, Northumberland, Perry, Philadelphia, Schuylkill, and York.

Suit Up, Citizen Science Hero, and Help Scout for Beech Leaf Disease in Pennsylvania's Forests

July 13, 2020

When beech leaf disease (BLD) was first detected and described in a Cleveland park in 2012, it left a lot of experts who quickly partnered to begin researching the disease from federal and state agencies, private labs, and universities all scratching their heads.

New Series: Imagine the Opportunity of a Smaller Carbon Footprint - Article 1: What is Carbon?

July 13, 2020

At the 2020 Pennsylvania Farm Show, the Hardwoods Development Council (HDC) hosted the Pennsylvania Hardwoods exhibit. The exhibit’s theme was Imagine the Opportunities of a Smaller Carbon Footprint. The exhibit was made possible by a collaboration between the HDC and the three Pennsylvania Hardwood Utilization Groups: Allegheny Hardwood Utilization Group, Keystone Wood Products Association, and the Northern Tier Hardwood Association.

Family Forest Carbon Program Pilot in PA Launching

July 13, 2020

The PA Tree Farm Committee announces a new opportunity for PA forestland owners. The American Forest Foundation (AFF) in partnership with The Nature Conservancy has launched a pilot carbon sequestration incentive program in selected areas of Pennsylvania. It is called the Family Forest Carbon Program. A map of the eligible forestland is shown below. The partnership has plans to extend the area to include all of PA private forestlands by year's end.

Pennsylvania Forestry Association: Forest Happenings

July 13, 2020

As spring transitions to summer, the forests are bursting with renewed growth. We are enjoying hearing and seeing the variety of birds.

Stormwater - What's a Property Owner to Do?

July 13, 2020

A single home containing 2,000 square feet of external impervious surface can produce 1,246 gallons of stormwater runoff in a typical rainstorm. When we see this downpour racing off house roofs, overflowing from roof gutters, and rapidly traversing driveways, lawns, and walkways, have we ever considered where it goes and what damage it might be doing along the way?

Meet Penn State's New Forestry and Wildlife Extension Educators

July 10, 2020

The Penn State Extension Forestry and Wildlife Team is thrilled to welcome two new members to its ranks. Katie Schmidt and Calvin Norman join three other fellow county based educators and eight university-based experts who do statewide extension work in forestry and wildlife sciences in Pennsylvania. Katie and Calvin bring fresh perspectives and new expertise, and their addition greatly enhances the capacity of this team to serve you, our stakeholders. We hope you share your stories with them, put their skills to work for you, and welcome them into your woods.

Women and Their Woods 2020 Retreat Goes Virtual

July 10, 2020

Forest landowners and aspiring landowners from across the mid-Atlantic region are invited to attend the Women and Their Woods 2020 Virtual Educational Retreat to learn more about managing their forestland and connecting with other forest landowners.

The Benefits of Blackberries

June 29, 2020

If you have never enjoyed a day afield collecting berries, this is the year you should try it. Nothing like socially distancing in a berry patch.

Ecological Synchrony: Keeping All the Pieces in Place

May 28, 2020

“If the land mechanism as a whole is good then every part is good, whether we understand it or not…To keep every cog and wheel is the first precaution of intelligent tinkering.” Aldo Leopold, Round River.

COVlD-19 Stimulus Benefits for Sole-Proprietors and Independent Contractors Webinars

April 8, 2020

The Penn State Extension Renewable Natural Resources team would like to announce two upcoming webinars about the Paycheck Protection Program which is a federal stimulus benefit available for small businesses affected by the novel Coronavirus.

Extension educators offer tips on managing spring spotted-lanternfly egg hatch

April 6, 2020

An early spring brings warmth, daffodils and outside play. It also signals — to the chagrin of many property owners across Pennsylvania and beyond — the next generation of spotted lanternflies.

C-D-L: An Acronym for Successfully Regenerating Hardwood Forests

April 6, 2020

Many factors affect our ability to successfully regenerate and sustain forests. Competing vegetation, high deer impact, and light reaching the forest floor, referred to as C-D-L.

Family Forest Carbon Program Pilot in PA Launched Spring 2020

April 6, 2020

The PA Tree Farm Committee announces a new opportunity for Pennsylvania forest landowners. The American Forest Foundation (AFF), in partnership with The Nature Conservancy, has launched a pilot carbon sequestration incentive program in selected areas of Pennsylvania in spring 2020.

Pennsylvania Forestry Association Update

April 6, 2020

As you read this, you know that the COVID-19 epidemic has thrown a “monkey wrench” into Earth Day plans as well as the everyday activities of 330 million Americans.

New Resource Helps Young People Explore Green Careers in Forestry

April 6, 2020

Project Learning Tree (PLT), an award-winning environmental education initiative of the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI), has developed new supplementary educational materials to help young people discover careers in sustainable forestry and conservation.

Brushpiles: Amphibians and Herbicides

April 6, 2020

Brushpiles is the opinion page of Forest Leaves. It’s a place for you to write in and share your reactions and thoughts. The following piece was excerpted from an article in the PA Forest Stewards newsletter by Mike and Laura Jackson, PA Forest Stewards, in response to questions received about glyphosate after the article by Jonathan Kays appeared in the Winter 2020 issue.

Control Forest Pests by Becoming a Certified Pesticide Applicator

April 6, 2020

So, you want to become a certified pesticide applicator to control forest pests like invasive insects and plants but don’t know where to start.

Socially Distant, but Naturally Near

March 25, 2020

Seeking Woodland Solace in the Face of Uncertainty

Promoting Forest Resilience in a Changing Climate

February 24, 2020

Is this winter’s weather a harbinger of a future driven by climate change? If so, how will Pennsylvania’s forests respond?

James C. Finley Center for Private Forests


416 Forest Resources Building
University Park, PA 16802

James C. Finley Center for Private Forests


416 Forest Resources Building
University Park, PA 16802