Pennsylvania Tree Farm Committee Notes

July 14, 2017

PA Tree Farm summer updates and upcoming events

Pennsylvania Forestry Association News

July 14, 2017

PFA summer updates and increasing the use of social media

Pennsylvania SFI Implementation Committee Updates: Project Learning Tree

July 14, 2017

Project Learning Tree to transfer from the American Forest Foundation to Sustainable Forestry Initiative, Inc.

Woodland Owners’ Invasive Plant Identification and Control Resource

July 14, 2017

Invasive plants are the scourge of many woodland owners. Trying to identify the pesky plants, knowing your control options, and keeping up on the latest invaders can be daunting.

Walks in Penn's Woods

July 14, 2017

A statewide effort to build appreciation for forests, the people who own them, and the importance of tending them, the Walk in Penn’s Woods is a day with organized woods walks in each Pennsylvania county. Anticipated to become an annual event on the first Sunday in October, this inaugural Walk in Penn’s Woods day happens October 1, 2017.

Owning or Holding Woodlands

June 26, 2017

Land is one of those things we “own” that will extend beyond us. We can use it carefully and, in the process, pass forward nearly all of its value. Alternatively, we can abuse land and the resources it provides and leave those who come after us with something of little value.

Hemlock Woolly Adelgid Control

June 12, 2017

The hemlock woolly adelgid (HWA) has caused significant damage to eastern hemlock, Tsuga Canadensis, in ornamental plantings and forests across much of Pennsylvania. However, many trees are still surviving and in need of treatment.

Higher tick populations or not, take precautions against Lyme disease

June 12, 2017

Recent media reports have suggested that tick populations in Pennsylvania may be particularly high this year, leading to an increased risk of Lyme disease in the state.

Dangerous Tick-Borne Disease Spreads To PA, CDC Warns

June 12, 2017

A rare, potentially deadly tick-borne disease has been identified in Pennsylvania. Here's what to look for.

Interesting Research News and Tools for Landowners – June 2017

June 12, 2017

Throughout the month we receive notice of interesting and relevant research and items. These items come from partner organizations. We'll use this space to share these items with you.

Assessing Resilience in Your Forest

May 31, 2017

Change comes to all forests. No matter the change, some forests will survive the change with functions more or less intact; others are going to be severely impacted and lose their ability to function as they have. How do you determine your woods’ ability to survive change? How do you assess its resilience?

Emerald Ash Borer: Still Spreading but Progress in Treatments

May 18, 2017

Updates from the Society of American Foresters’ publication Forestry Source on the battle against emerald ash borer. Please note these edits from the author: "I introduced an error when I wrote that EAB has not been detected in New Hampshire; however, the insect has not been found to date in Vermont, according to I checked with Mr. Sadof about the effects of EAB on white ash, and he said that “The vast majority are killed. Only a few survive.”"—Steve Wilent

Establishing Streamside Forests: Bare Root, Container Grown, Live Stakes, and Direct Seeding: Upcoming Workshop

May 18, 2017

Healthy streams and watersheds rely on functional riparian forest corridors. To learn more, come join the Rothrock Chapter of the Society of American Foresters as they host a summer field tour focused on riparian buffer establishment.

Interesting Research News and Tools for Landowners – May 2017

May 18, 2017

Throughout the month we receive notice of interesting and relevant research and items. These items come from partner organizations. We'll use this space to share these items with you.

Help Make the Walk in Penns Woods Happen!

May 18, 2017

Word is starting to get around about the October 1 "Walk in Penn's Woods." We're getting lots of tours signed up and getting on calendars. Now we need your help to make it happen! Consider donating to help us advertise and market these events to interested members of the public!

Getting to Know Our Woods through the Seasons - Springtime Insights

April 26, 2017

In each season, we can gain new insights on how the woods function and what kinds of stewardship activities may be needed.

Join Us in Supporting “Walk in Penn’s Woods!”

April 17, 2017

The new informal partnership for Penn’s Woods, Working for You, announces a statewide Walk in Penn’s Woods on Sunday, October 1, 2017.

Announcing New Backpack Sprayer Calibration Forest Science Fact Sheet

April 17, 2017

Penn State Forestry Extension has just released the fourth in a series of Forest Science Fact Sheets.

Goldenseal in Your Back Woods?

April 17, 2017

Help researchers understand the extent of goldenseal occurring in Penn's Woods.

Announcing PA Timber 2017: Forest Products Equipment and Technology Exposition

April 17, 2017

On June 9 and 10, see working harvesting equipment in the woods and in the field. More than 100 high-quality indoor and outdoor exhibitors will be at the Ag Progress Days site in Rock Springs, PA – focusing on forest products harvesting, land clearing, and biomass marketing.

The New Face of Pennsylvania Tree Farm

April 17, 2017

Pennsylvania Tree Farm Committee Notes: Tree Farm Informational Meetings

Logger Training….It’s Not Just for Loggers

April 17, 2017

Pennsylvania SFI Implementation Committee Update

Interesting Research News and Tools for Landowners – April 2017

April 17, 2017

Throughout the month we receive notice of interesting and relevant research and items. These items come from partner organizations. We'll use this space to share these items with you.

The Coming of Spring and Trees

March 28, 2017

We can all appreciate how weather affects our crops and landscape plantings; however, what is happening in forests and woodlands?

Invasive Species Highlight - Oriental Bittersweet

March 17, 2017

We often hear Kudzu vine referred to as the vine that ate the south. Well, we may have the vine that eats Pennsylvania, Oriental bittersweet (Celastrus orbiculatusis). It is becoming more and more of a problem, a problem that is not easily solved.

Interesting Research News and Tools for Landowners – March 2017

March 17, 2017

Throughout the month we receive notice of interesting and relevant research and items. These items come from partner organizations. We'll use this space to share these items with you.

Winter Precipitation and Forests: Was It Enough?

February 21, 2017

It’s easy to wish for an early end to winter or more bright and sunny days, but don’t malign the importance of those grey wet days, the importance of a decent snowpack, the importance of groundwater, and the impacts we have on water.

Upcoming Woods in Your Backyard Workshops

February 14, 2017

Join Penn State Extension and its partners for these great full day workshops offered at three locations around the state. Join us to learn how landowners of even just a few acres, can make a positive difference in the environment through planning and implementing simple stewardship practices.

Announcing New Backpack Sprayer Calibration Forest Science Fact Sheet

February 14, 2017

Penn State Forestry Extension has just released the fourth in a series of Forest Science Fact Sheets. The latest in the series, entitled "Backpack Sprayer Calibration Made Easy," provides in-depth practical information on calibrating backpack sprayers for both band applications and spot treatments.

Timber Tax Filing for the 2016 Tax Year Webinar

February 14, 2017

Join this webinar to get the latest tax information, filing season updates, and practical tax tips on: How to report timber sale; What timber-related expenses and losses can be deducted; Who are responsible for filing 1099 on timber sales; and What are the IRS rules on record keeping and substantiating expenses. The presenter will answer your specific questions through the online interactive session.

James C. Finley Center for Private Forests


416 Forest Resources Building
University Park, PA 16802

James C. Finley Center for Private Forests


416 Forest Resources Building
University Park, PA 16802