Award Amount

Up to $500 will be awarded per student to match other funds that help defray costs of student attendance at an international, national, or significant regional scientific meeting. Potential sources of matching funds include faculty grant funding, faculty discretionary funds, scholarships, or the College of Agricultural Sciences Travel Award. All awards are subject to availability of funds.

Award Frequency

Applications are accepted on a first come first served basis. Multiple awards may be given per semester subject to the availability of funds. Only one travel award will be granted per student per degree.


  1. Individual must be officially enrolled for credits as a graduate student during the semester in which the paper is presented or the semester immediately prior to the presentation.
  2. Student must give an oral or poster presentation at a significant regional, national, or international scientific meeting.
  3. Student must be the lead (first) author of the presentation.
  4. Student must base the presentation on original research conducted as part of their graduate degree at Penn State.
  5. Students are limited to one award from the Department during a degree program.

Apply for the Award

If matching funds come from a grant
Including presentation title, author(s) name(s), objective, methodology, results, and conclusions, limited to one page, single-spaced, and informative relating to the student's thesis research
Recommendation letter from adviser indicating that you should participate in the meeting and be reimbursed for travel expenses.
e.g. lodging, vehicle rental, etc.