Pennsylvanians hold the fate of the state's woodlands in their hands

November 22, 2019

Pennsylvanians hold the health of the state's woodlands in their hands, literally. Of the 60 percent of Pennsylvania woods that remain forested, 70% of them are privately owned.

Webinar series will help landowners care for their woods

November 21, 2019

The "Woods in Your Backyard" webinar series teaches land stewardship through nine live, one-hour, online evening lectures that can be viewed on your home computer.

Forest Littering: Some Litter Is Necessary

November 12, 2019

Forests full of fallen leaves are a gift trees give to themselves. No one rakes or mulches them; nonetheless, they do slowly disappear.

Woodland Owners Harvest Their Trees for the Darndest Reasons

October 11, 2019

Learning from the Mistakes of Fellow Landowners.

Pennsylvania Forestry Association: Reflecting on the Past Four Years

October 11, 2019

Outgoing Pennsylvania Forestry Association (PFA) President Richard Lewis reflects on his four years in leadership of the organization.

Pennsylvania Tree Farm: Opportunities to Learn

October 11, 2019

Updates from the Pennsylvania Tree Farm Committee

DCNR Bureau of Forestry Lands Certified to SFI

October 11, 2019

Earlier this year, the Pennsylvania DCNR Bureau of For¬estry certified all of Pennsylvania’s state forestlands to the Sustainable Forestry Initiative (SFI) Forest Management Standard (NSF-SFI-FM-CO435749). These certified forests cover more than 2.2 million acres in 48 of Pennsylvania’s 67 counties, comprising 13% of the total forested area of the state.

Adaptation Planning and Practices Online Course Offered

October 11, 2019

After a great two-day workshop in Pennsylvania on Adaptation Planning and Practices for Pennsylvania Forests in late September, we are pleased to be able to help get the word out about an upcoming online course to convey the same information from the comfort of your own home.

Urban Tree Canopy Assessment: A Community’s Path to Understanding and Managing the Urban Forest

October 11, 2019

An Urban Tree Canopy (UTC) assessment provides a measure of a community’s tree canopy cover at high resolution and is often used for establishing and implementing municipal tree canopy goals as part of broader urban greening and sustainability initiatives.

Brushpiles: Retaliatory Chinese Tariffs Push the Hardwood Industry into Economic Stress

October 11, 2019

Brushpiles is the opinion page of Forest Leaves. It’s a place for you to write in and share your reactions and thoughts. The following piece was originally printed in the Pennsylvania Forestry Association’s News You Can Use by Richard Lewis, PFA President.

Scouting for deer this fall? Scout for deer browse, too

October 10, 2019

Many woodland owners take to their woods in October to begin scouting for deer season. A good way to learn more about where white-tailed deer might be found is by understanding what they’re eating.

Control Unwanted Trees Using Hack-and-Squirt Herbicide Applications

September 27, 2019

Recognizing and treating less-desirable trees increases the proportion of desirable species in future timber stands.

Interesting Research News and Tools for Landowners – September 2019

September 27, 2019

Throughout the month we receive notice of interesting and relevant research and items. These items come from partner organizations. We'll use this space to share these items with you.

2019 Walk in Penn's Woods

September 23, 2019

The excitement is growing for the third annual Walk in Penn’s Woods on Sunday, October 6, happening near you.

Looking at Forests: Is Forest Green Always a Sign of Health?

August 29, 2019

As fall approaches and you enjoy the change from green to bright yellows, reds, oranges, and all the shades in between, look carefully for woody plants that remain green.

University of Maryland Extension's Online Woods in Your Backyard Course

August 19, 2019

Registration is now open for the Fall session of "The Woods in Your Backyard" online course.

Out of Place: This Summer’s Pine Decline and Mortality

July 31, 2019

In recent years, eastern white pine has been experiencing dramatic health decline, with increasing cases of twig and canopy dieback, premature browning and shedding of needles, and even death.

In the Know: Resources for Forest Landowners

July 12, 2019

Take time to explore the websites and social pages of the organizations below to learn more about caring for your woods!

Controlling the Invasive Tree-of-Heaven

July 12, 2019

Ailanthus altissima, commonly referred to as tree-of-heaven, is a rapidly growing deciduous tree native to northeast and central China, as well as Taiwan. It was first introduced into the United States in the late 1700s. Initially, it was valued as an urban street tree and was widely planted in the mid-Atlantic region. From there, tree-of-heaven has spread across the nation and become a common invasive weed in urban, agricultural, and forested areas.

Pennsylvania Tree Farm: Community Update

July 12, 2019

The Pennsylvania Tree Farm (PATF) Committee has been working to add value for members of the PA Tree Farm community.

Pennsylvania Forestry Association: Finding Answers to Your Forestry Questions

July 12, 2019

The Pennsylvania Forestry Association (PFA), our Nation’s oldest forestry association, prides itself on helping members.

SFI Logger Training Is Good for Water Quality

July 12, 2019

For more than 20 years, the Pennsylvania Sustainable Forestry Initiative® (SFI) Professional Timber Harvester Training Program has been teaching loggers how to properly implement Best Management Practices (BMPs) to protect water quality during timber harvesting operations.

Getting Ready for 2019 Walk in Penn’s Woods!

July 12, 2019

Hosting and Crowdfunding Opportunities

Deer Management for Forest Landowners and Managers

July 12, 2019

A group of 12 wildlife/forestry biologists has just published a book on deer management, titled “Deer Management for Forest Landowners and Managers,” based on their collective decades of research, teaching, consulting, and managing of white-tailed deer in northeastern US states.

For Your Library

July 12, 2019

Make a Home for Wildlife: Creating Habitat on Your Land: Backyard to Many Acres by Charles Fergus

“Mind the Gap”: Introducing the Pause in Forest Stewardship

June 28, 2019

Introducing the pause in forest stewardship, minding the gap if you will, is a place of reflection, and its importance cannot be underestimated. It’s a time to seek out additional resources, a time to ask for advice from fellow landowners who’ve done what is being proposed; it’s a time to ask for help.

Native forest plants rebound when invasive shrubs are removed

May 28, 2019

Removing invasive shrubs to restore native forest habitat brings a surprising result, according to Penn State researchers, who say desired native understory plants display an unexpected ability and vigor to recolonize open spots.

Be a part of the restoration mission to bring back the American chestnut

May 28, 2019

The PA/NJ Chapter of TACF is seeking volunteers to help conduct Small Stem Assays (SSA) with American chestnut seedlings this June. No experience necessary.

Tracking the Complex Relationships and Timing of Plants and Pollinators

May 23, 2019

With increasing attention to pollinators and native plants that sustain those native pollinators, one may wonder if warmer-than-average or cooler-than-average temperatures have an effect on the emergence of pollinating insects.

Ah, spring. Ah, ah, ah-choo!

April 26, 2019

Spring is a time of warmer weather, beautiful flowers, green growth, but it also heralds tree pollen season.

James C. Finley Center for Private Forests


416 Forest Resources Building
University Park, PA 16802

James C. Finley Center for Private Forests


416 Forest Resources Building
University Park, PA 16802