This selection which includes breeding records from the Connecticut Agriculture Experiment Station, reports from Jesse Diller (strong proponent of the use of the Clapper tree for American chestnut restoration), as well as chestnut bibliographies that have been published in the past. We've also added an index to the Reports of the PA Chestnut Tree Blight Commission (Scans which are held on the Penn State Libraries servers).
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Compiled by Herman S. Forest, Richard J. Cook, and Charles N. Bebee. 1990 Bibliographies and Literature of Agriculture Number 103, USDA-NAL
by Giancarlo Bounous, 2001. FAO, REU Technical Series 65
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by H. Clay Smith, 1981. USFS General Technical Report, NE-64
All Reports from the Pennsylvania commission for the investigation and control of the disease (1912-1914). 11 documents reporting the research and work of the Pa Blight Commission
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By G. P. Clinton. This document includes almost 100 pages about the chestnut and chestnut blight in Connecticut.
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by Raphael Zon. 1904 U.S. Department of Agriculture: Bureau of Forestry Bulletin No. 53
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by W.W. Ashe. 1912 Tennessee Geological Survey Bulletin 10-B
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by Jesse D. Diller. 1947 Forest Pathology Special Release No. 31
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by Jesse D. Diller. 1960 Reprint from Tree Planter's Notes No. 40
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by Jesse D. Diller, Russell B. Clapper, and Richard A. Jaynes. 1964 U.S. Forest Service Research Note NE-25
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by Fredrick Berry. 1980 U.S. Forest Service Research Paper NE-454
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An Incurable Disease that has Destroyed Millions of Dollars Worth of Trees. This article is from the March 16, 1912 issue of Scientific American ( and details a few thoughts on the destruction that was being caused by chestnut blight at that time. Many thanks to John Hempel for finding an original copy on eBay and passing on the find!
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A scan of the drawings from this 1928 book on the genera Castanea and Castanopsis.
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A scan of the text, in the original French, of this book about the genera Castanea and Castanopsis.
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A scan of an English translation of the text of this book about the genera Castanea and Castanopsis.
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Originally by K. Uchida, this is a translation provided by Dr. Fred Hebard of TACF.