Through early 2011, TACF held a set of four facilitated workshops that sought to collect and combine information into a working document that will assist in the restoration of the American chestnut. Those workshops were only one part of a four-track plan that TACF will use to create and administer the restoration plan. Follow-up tracks were held in Breeding and Genetics, Development and Business, and Reintroduction and Ecology. The background and notes from all of those meetings may be found below.
We Want Your Input!
The notes from the four regional restoration meetings are currently available below and we want your comment.
In the next several weeks, the notes from the three specialized track meetings will also be posted here.
Should you have any questions, comments, or insights that you'd like to share, please feel free to contact your Regional Science Coordinator:

Here, find links to various papers that one might find useful in preparing for these meetings. Please note that it is NOT necessary to read these; they are only made available should you want to make use of them.

Read notes and background information from the Ecology and Reintroduction Track workshop that was held in June 2011.

PDF document, 741.6 KB
Because of space considerations, this meeting will be held primarily by invitation only. A limited amount of seats MAY be available to those interested. Number of spaces available will be listed here as soon as that number is known.

Read notes and background information from the Development and Business Plan workshop that was held in April 2011.
Microsoft Word Document, 82.5 KB
Raw notes from the four regional chapter workshops were combined, distilled, and reorganized to create this working document.

Saturday, February 12, 2011 || Portsmouth, NH || Urban Forestry Center

Saturday, February 5, 2011 || Sewickley, PA || Fern Hollow Nature Center

Saturday, January 15, 2011 || Staunton, VA || Frontier Culture Museum

Saturday, March 5, 2011 || Morrison, TN || Bridgestone / Firestone Plant