PDF document, 242.3 KB
A graphical view of the process that TACF will be taking through 2011 to compile its restoration plan.
Jacobs DF. 2007. Toward development of silvical strategies for forest restoration of American chestnut (Castanea dentata) using blight-resistant hybrids. BIOLOGICAL CONSERVATION. 137: 497 –506
Microsoft Word Document, 566.5 KB
Throughout 2009 - 2010, a committee within TACF formulated a draft restoration plan. The plan was reviewed during the April 2010 TACF Board and Cabinet meetings and the consensus met was to reformulate a new draft. The first draft is provided here for review prior to the new meeting tracks should participants wish to do so.
Microsoft Word Document, 45.0 KB
A plan, specific to Pennsylvania, written in response to the TACF plan draft 1.
PDF document, 18.7 KB
Microsoft Word Document, 842.5 KB
PDF document, 8.9 KB
Details planting and maintenance guidelines for initial progeny test plantings for TACF.
PDF document, 48.9 KB