Please follow all National Park Service regulations and permit requirements!
Print copies of the research permits for each park where you plan to do your count, read carefully and keep them with you on the trail.
Note that the permit for Great Smoky Mountain National Park requires Kathy Marmet to inform them in advance of the names of data collectors and the dates they plan to be in the park, as well as travel plans for use in the event that a search is necessary.
Please note that this project does not have permission to collect samples of any kind. Photos are the best way to document questions regarding identification, outstanding trees or highlights of your trip. We look forward to receiving your photos, so please pass along any photographs or comments in addition to your count data.
Note that you should not publicize the location of large trees (explicitly mentioned in GSM NP permit) because of poaching concerns.
Please exercise care to avoid inadvertently injuring rare and endangered plants. Look before you step whenever you leave the trail to take measurements, and, if in doubt, avoid stepping on it.
PDF document, 21.3 KB
All hikers need to carry this permit to collect data along the Appalachian Trail
PDF document, 240.4 KB
Please read and obey the conditions contained within this article when participating in the Mega-Transect project.
PDF document, 848.6 KB
A permit for hikers to collect data along the Appalachian Trail within the boundaries of Shenandoah National Park.
PDF document, 491.7 KB
A permit to collect data along the Appalachian Trail along the Blue Ridge Parkway.
PDF document, 839.1 KB
Note that the permit for Great Smoky Mountain National Park requires Kathy Marmet to inform them in advance of the names of data collectors and the dates they plan to be in the park, as well as travel plans for use in the event that a search is necessary.
PDF document, 520.2 KB