That standard is that the lab seeks to provide a learning environment for scientists or potential scientists that would like to get exposure to research in the university system. If you are looking to be involved with the lab because it is required for your degree, you need a side job, or are just bored, please do not contact the lab. Conducting research in science is because you respect the natural world and you want to learn more through science.
You don't necessarily need to know what path you want to choose but learning science in the lab is not a job or requirement, it is a passion that you choose to pursue in your daily life. If this does not describe you then please refrain from contacting the lab. However, if you are very excited about science and learning what is available in this exciting world of research then I encourage you to contact the lab about one of the opportunities below:
Although I don’t actively pursue undergraduates for research, the lab has plenty of datasets available for undergraduates that would like to get the experience. The lab will only provide datasets and assistance to the most eager and persistent that we deem worthy of being a lab member!
PhD Assistantship at The Pennsylvania State University in population monitoring of black bear statewide in Pennsylvania
No positions currently available
No positions currently available