
 27-28 September 2022 - In person only


217 Forest Resources Building

The Pennsylvania State University

University Park, PA 16802

Workshop Objectives:

Advances in technology have resulted in large spatial datasets for aquatic and terrestrial populations that requires data compilation and analysis for making sound resource management and conservation decisions. From GIS and GPS dataset manipulation to traditional estimators of home range, this course will provide hands-on learning to handle a variety of datasets all within the free software R (R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria). You will develop skills in understanding and processing complex datasets without ever needing ArcMap or related costly programs.


Professionals*: $249

Students**: $100

-Includes refreshments and lunch for both days.

-Limited to 25 participants

*Inquire about discounts for cooperators

**Course not open to students enrolled at the Penn State University Main Campus


W. David Walter
Pennsylvania Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit,
403 Forest Resources Building
The Pennsylvania State University
Phone: 814-867-4763
Email: wdw12@psu.edu

Course Topics

PDF document, 125.0 KB

Table of Contents for course manual

Registration Form

PDF document, 48.7 KB

Please fill out and email to wdw12@psu.edu AND mail form and payment to contact on the form