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10.1 Remove or search for duplicated GPS locations in a data frame
10.2 Need to convert back to a matrix to be able to export the data or manipulate the data
10.3 Remove quotations marks around values in results table or printout
10.4 Bin numeric variables into categories
10.5 Recode variables in Rcmdr
10.6 Jitter UTM coordinates before making SpatialPointsDataFrame
10.7 Remove extraneous locations or remove all data for a single animal by animal ID
10.8 Generate sequential numbers as ID’s for each location then add back to original dataset
10.9 Rename data by deleting a portion of the string
10.10 Grab text included in strings of varying lengths
10.11 Rename levels of factor
10.12 Recode numeric values as factors into categories
10.13 Add leading zeros to single digit numbers to match datasets
10.14 Force a DBRB class output to a data frame
10.15 Subset GPS locations by a date range
10.16 Drivers for rdgal input/ouput but run command for complete list if needed